MG Construct

Frequently asked questions

What to bring during the consultation and/or the inspection?

Of course, you can bring nothing.

For better results from the consultation, it is recommended to provide in digital form or to carry technical documents related to the site, for example:

  • Cadastral sketch;
  • Design visa;
  • Old designs;
  • Photos from the site, incl. from currently inaccessible and hidden areas.

It is good to give information about the date of construction and dates of important reconstructions.

What is needed for preparation of conceptual design with BoQ and estimated budget?

For better results from the consultation, it is recommended to provide in digital form or to carry technical documents related to the site, for example:

  • Cadastral sketch;
  • Design visa;
  • Old designs;
  • Photos from the site, incl. from currently inaccessible and hidden areas.

It is good to give information about the date of construction and dates of important reconstructions.

What is needed for the preparation of technical design?

The most important thing is to specify your ideas for the use of the future building and/or facility.
It is good to get a design visa. Prior to or within the technical design itself, a study must be made of the infrastructure of the site – road, electricity, water, sewer, district heating, gas, telephone, internet, etc. Geodetic survey and hydro geological report will be required.

What is the difference between structural inspection and structural investigation?

When I make a structural inspection, I review the documentation for the site, I come to the place, I examine, possibly I scan for reinforcement. The structural investigation is much more complex and involves many more things. Its purpose is to check the strength of hidden parts of the building structure. To do this, it is necessary to partially hammer the walls, drill, reach the concrete, reinforcement or steel elements and take pieces of them for testing in the laboratory.

What does the training program include?

The program is made at the request of the client. One possible program is „Historical and technical review of the main structural systems of buildings in Bulgaria” with the following content:

  • 1890 – 1915 – brick load-bearing walls, wooden floors, Prussian vaults, wooden roofs
  • 1915 – 1935 – brick load-bearing walls, reinforced concrete slabs, wooden roofs
  • 1935 – 1960 – traditional reinforced concrete structures, wooden roofs
  • 1960 – 1985 – modern reinforced concrete structures, prefabricated building systems
  • 1985 – 2005 – antiseismic construction
  • 2005 – present – modern construction, beamless structures, Eurocode, prefabricated systems

Questions, discussion of specific cases, free discussion

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