MG Construct

Cherkessk Yarn Production Factory


Full structural design

This is a very interesting industrial project with modern technology and architecture. Cost effective steel trusses and pipe columns fixed in the foundations were used for the building structure.

The main trusses step on the columns with their upper and their lower cord ensuring effective use of the steel. Secondary trusses step on the main ones. The roof is constructed with high-profile corrugated steel sheets without purlins. The columns have openings at the upper part to ensure passing of drainage pipes and other industrial installations.


Cherkessk, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Russian Federation, 2012-2013

Constructive project:

Design company:

Bates Bulgaria

Photo gallery
The construction started in the end of the 2012 with cast of the RC concrete spread foundations. The photo shows the first days of the steel structure installation.
General view of the whole site
Installed structure and roof steel sheets for one of the structural blocks
Finished installation of the structure for the second block
The grid for the structural columns is 18/12 m.
Intermediate floor is foreseen for the office part of the factory.
Console structure of the office part
Installation of the facade panels
The office part with the console overhang
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